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How My Wine Journey Began

Most of us may have a memorable moment of our first experience with wine. For many of us, it was sitting at the dinner table pushing your peas around with your fork, and your mother allowed you to have a sip “JUST a sip,” she said, with a look of motherly caution. SIXTEEN!!!! You were SIXTEEN years old! Can you believe it?!?! You were the coolest kid in your class and continued to brag at every party right before a game of spin-the-bottle. Is that the game kids play these days?

At least for me, my first #wine experience began as a newly twenty-one-year-old college student. My friend and I were resident assistants of a dormitory and were invited to drink a glass of #port with the dorm’s Chaplin. What?!? The Chaplin was inviting us to indulge in philosophical discussion while listening to records and sipping port, pinky held high in the air with each sip.

As we arrived ready to indulge in #winedrinking, I stopped before I knocked on the door. Was there a secret phrase I needed to use as if we were entering a speakeasy? The Jesuit opened the door delighted to have company over for a conversation. Talk around campus was that the Jesuits like to indulge in alcohol and have a good time. It was not nearly as scandalous we had imagined 😉. I sat with my glass of port and have vivid memories of the conversations we had,

“All too often, younger adults start to drink wine without appreciation for it,” the Jesuit explained. “You really need to start with #whitewines first. Only drink white wine during your twenties and thirties, so you have a REAL appreciation for it. Then as you get older, you can start to explore #redwine in your late thirties and forties.”

While I didn’t take his advice as I partook in college drinking games such as “Tour de #Franzia,” and I drank red wine in my twenties, as I look back on that memorable evening, I realize that I cannot for the life of me remember how the port tasted that night. What I do remember is how much fun the experience was.

Now, why am I so concerned with acting appropriately while tasting and talking about wine with others? Am I supposed to slurp the wine or gargle? How far should I put my nose in the glass while smelling wine? When am I supposed to use the spit bucket? After many years of a cautious approach to drinking, I’ve come to the realization that like drinking port for the first time, enjoying the experience is the most important component whether you are a novice like me or a seasoned wine drinker.

Join me as I learn about all things wine: from wine varietals to starting a cellar. Let's start with the basics.

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